$200.00 USD

Sacred Geometry 1 & 2

Enjoy this 2-Day dive into the world of Sacred Geometry!

We begin by laying the foundation with the Modern Mystery School Sacred Geometry Level 1 class. This is focusing on the 3 Primary Keys to Heaven.

Sacred Geometry Level 1 - Full Description

On Day 2 we immerse into the world of CRYSTALS with this Level 2 Sacred Geometry class. This is a methods class, so when we are done with the day, you walk away with 5 different methods working with crystals that you can do for yourself and others. 

Sacred Geometry Level 2 - Full Description

Currently this combo series is scheduled for Thursday, July 11 and Friday, July 12. 

This combined mini-immersion is offered at a discounted price of $525.

A $200 deposit is required to hold your place. 

Program is taught by Vila Loukas, Certified Guide with the Modern Mystery School