Celebrate the Turn of the Wheel of the Year!

Thursday,Ā OctoberĀ 31

7:30 - 9:30 PM

Denver, CO


Join us in celebrating the turn of the Wheel of the Year as we move into the darkest season of the year!
At the coming of Halloween, we celebrate the mystery of the thinning of the veils and the closeness of our ancestors. At this potent time, we can connect to and honor those who have come before.

The traditional name for this day is Samhain, and it is when the days continue to get shorter and shorter until the Winter Solstice.

With that, Samhain is the third and final harvest festivals and marks the Wiccan new year--honoring the movement towards the rebirth of the light.

You are invited to gather with us in Ceremony and Celebration to mark the turn of the Wheel into the magickal season of autumn into winter.

Ā Ā 

Event led by Vila Loukas, Wicca Priestess in Modern Mystery School Lineage

$30 early reg/ $35 regular reg/ $40 week of / $45 day of event